- Order number: 300029
- Wenn Sie eine größere Stückzahl (ab 10 Stk.) tätigen möchten, nehmen Sie bitte mit unserem Kundendienst zwecks Liefertermin und Abwicklung Kontakt auf.
Why having a hard time to pull the sledges manually up the hill? Now you are able to use the ski tow as well to get up. Do it like the ski and snowboard drivers: By using the existing infrastructure and just enjoying and looking forward to the pleasure of your sledging experience: The phase down!
With help of the lift system you can upgrade our Pistenbock versions SOLO, DUO and Junior so you can use tow skis (anchor lifts and button lifts). All you need to do is screw on the carbine into the drawbar eye which is with our equipment for all standard versions.
The handling after professional installation is more than easy: While sitting on the Pistenbock just let the lift personal lock up the u-bolt or bulging disc into the strap of the lift system. Here we go you don’t even have to hold on to the bail. After arrival at your destination the driver pulls at the orange release strap the alarmism snag unblocks the strap and with this also the bail immediately. Downhill the snap can be stowed by hanging it over the wooden handle of the pull rope.
Please pay attention to the accompanied security notes! Please also pay attention to the respective valid laws and rules and assure that it is allowed by the responsible train operator to haul the Pistenbock.